announced to all within hearing distance.
Her smile tells the whole world the story about the beautiful heart she has.
God has blessed this young lady with the gift of making every person she even makes eye contact with feel like they matter most to her.
If you ever wondered if you could really see just by looking at a person if they truly love God, then you haven't met Brielle before.
When you meet her and see the sparkle of true, pure life in her eyes, you know, without a doubt that she knows what life is all about.
When you come to my church you will undoubtedly see her as she worships God in a way that every christian should learn to worship.
When you watch her worship you can't help but notice that she Knows who is the giver of life and she Thanks Him.
We need more Brielles in this world.
Brielle has a gift that changes her world. She looks at people and sees their heart.
Never does she look at the way someone looks on the outside and discounts them or says they're not worthy of love.
Brielle is a brave young lady that will stand up for what is right.
Brielle will change this world.
I believe in Brielle and am truly honored to know her.
God has absolutely the hugest plans for this young lady's life.
I love you Brielle, my sweet, sweet friend.