Jesus was going into a village, and ten men who had leprosy met Him, and, to make a long story short, Jesus healed them.
This is the part that has always really bothered me and I’ve really been thinking about recently. Only one of them, when he saw he was healed, went back and thanked Jesus.
Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this one?"
For real? Only one out of ten came back to say Thank You. That just kinda makes me sick.
Come on people, let's be the ones that go out of our way to say thank you. It doesn’t even have to be a big thing to be thankful for it. It can be as little as telling the waitress at a restaurant: Thank you so much for your work!
I want to give y’all a challenge because of Thanksgiving this month. My challenge for you is: Take a few minutes and write a card to someone telling them Thank You.
It can be someone at school that you’ve noticed that they’re always smiling. You can write them a card to thank them for being a bright person that is full of sunshine.
I really enjoy writing cards. But as I was reading the story in Luke and was so upset that those nine didn’t come back to say thank you I realized that I’ve been to tons of doctors but I’ve only once sent a thank you card. So I got out a card and started to write to one of the doctors that I’ve been to in the past.
I had such a hard time finding things to thank her for. But guess what? I did. It took time but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I could thank her for a lot of stuff. You know, she didn’t have to be a doctor. Yes, she got payed for it, but she also had to work with sick people and probably a lot of the times they were grumpy. By the time I was done writing to her I felt a great level of respect for her and was also so thankful that I was not in her place.
So, all that to say. You don’t have to write to someone you like. Write to an enemy, that person that annoys the life out of you. By the time you’re done I bet you’ll have a lot of things that you’re thankful for about that person.
You know, cards can make a big difference in someones life when they get it! Like I wrote in the “About me” page. It was a simple card from my friend Cheryl that changed my life forever. You never know when someone needs a card and how much good it will do to simply tell them that you’re thinking of them.
Last week my Grandma sent me this card. It didn’t say very much but it came at just the right
time and completely made my day and had me smiling every time I thought of it!
I love writing to sick people and then imagining how happy they are when they get a hand written card in the mail. Sometimes my cards are as simple as saying: I thought you could use a little extra sunshine today! Here are the cards that I sent this week to sick people that I don’t know.
Go check out the Thankful Wall page and write what your thankful for.
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